
October 7, 2017 – St. Petersburg, FLTampa Bay Times recommends “Vote YES on Referendum #1”.

The Tampa Bay Times today recommended to vote “Yes” on City of St. Petersburg  Referendum #1 which pertains to Walter Fuller Baseball Complex (Baseball City St. Pete).

Referendum 1: Walter Fuller Park: Since 2009, the nonprofit St. Petersburg Baseball Commission has operated and maintained a city-owned baseball complex at Walter Fuller Park through a series of short-term leases. If voters approve this referendum, the city could negotiate a long-term lease with the baseball commission of up to 20 years in return for the commission investing at least $300,000 in improvements. Any long-term lease would have to be approved by at least six members of the eight-member City Council.

This continues to be a good public-private partnership. This referendum has nothing to do with a proposal two years ago to build an 1,800-seat baseball stadium at Walter Fuller with county resort tax money, which went nowhere. Any concerns involving noise, parking or other issues could be addressed in negotiations for a long-term lease with the baseball commission.

On St. Petersburg Referendum No. 1 involving Walter Fuller Park, the Tampa Bay Times recommends voting Yes.”

See the full article on the Tampa Bay Times web site.

PDF of the Tampa Bay Times article.